Belarus Rug

13,744,000 đ 10,990,000 đ

Belarus Rug

13,744,000đ 10,990,000đ

Made of extra resistant wool this stylish piece of rectangle comes in vibrant. The rug is guaranteed to bring comfort and style to any room.


244 x 305 (Cm)
Ivory Black
Hand Tufted Wool
Belarus Rug

Care instruction

  • Vacuum clean regularly using a low-powered vacuum cleaner to remove any loose fibers from the surface.Clean spills immediately by blotting with absorbent paper or clean white cloth. Periodic cleaning using professional carpet cleaners is recommended. Do not pull loose ends if they appear,trim with scissors. Rotate or reposition your rug every six months to promote even wear on the surface and extend the life of the rug. Store your rug by rolling the front side in and wrapping with the cloth for protection.
Made of extra resistant wool this stylish piece of rectangle comes in vibrant. The rug is guaranteed to bring comfort and style to any room.

Care instruction

  • Vacuum clean regularly using a low-powered vacuum cleaner to remove any loose fibers from the surface.Clean spills immediately by blotting with absorbent paper or clean white cloth. Periodic cleaning using professional carpet cleaners is recommended. Do not pull loose ends if they appear,trim with scissors. Rotate or reposition your rug every six months to promote even wear on the surface and extend the life of the rug. Store your rug by rolling the front side in and wrapping with the cloth for protection.

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